Municipal Archive of Covilhã

Opening Hours

  • Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm
  • Closed: Saturday and Sunday

General information

The Covilhã Municipal Archive, a memory space for an entire region, has the mission of preserving, identifying and disseminating the county’s Archival Heritage, ensuring greater and better preservation of the documentary collection, seeking to make accessible the study of the roots of the covilhanense identity to all those interested in the history of the municipality, in order to promote and enhance its historical and documentary heritage.

The Municipal Archive has a documentary collection of high historical value, well representative of an entire society and respective region. The various documents found here serve as a source of information for the history of the municipality. From the archival collection of the city, the Foral Manuelino, dated 1510 and the Royal Charter of D. Luís I stand out, elevating the town of Covilhã to the category of city, still in the collections a set of medieval parchments. The documentary collection goes back to the 19th century. XII to the present. The oldest document dates from 1215, and is a scroll related to the dispute of the old village of Caria, between the Covilhanense autarchy and the Bishopric of Guarda.




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