Industrial Heritage Route

Under the epithet of Covilhã – factory city, it is proposed to carry out three urban routes, circular and complementary to each other, which have the Wool Museum of the University of Beira Interior as an agglutinating pole. This route intends to revisit the most significant spaces of the wool industry in the city of Covilhã, making known, not only the museum spaces centered on the safeguarding of industrial testimonies, but also the museological nucleus of the Royal Fábrica de Panos, a state manufacture established in 1764, by the Marquês de Pombal, and the Royal Factory Veiga, dated 1784, which are part of the Wool Museum, how to observe a vast industrial heritage spread throughout the city, including factory buildings, beams and sunbeams, chimneys, machinery, palaces, working-class neighborhoods and other infrastructure to support this activity.

Wool Route - Route 1
Wool Route - Route 2
Wool Route - Route 3