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Data / Hora
14:30 - 22:30

New Hand Lab Covilhã


Coolwool : Creative Weekend at Covilhã é um programa para gente curiosa, que gosta de novas experiências, de ser desafiada e de conhecer o local que visita através da sua história e identidade.
Coolwool : Creative Weekend at Covilhã é um programa no formato city break, repleto de criatividade, criações e criadores.
Coolwool : Creative Weekend at Covilhã, é organizado pelo New Hand Lab e pelo Museu de Lanifícios da Universidade da Beira Interior e integra a rede Creatour – Turismo Criativo Portugal.

Coolwool: Creative Weekend at Covilhã is a program for curious people, who like new experiences, to be challenged and to know the places they visit through their history and identity.
Coolwool: Creative Weekend at Covilhã is a city break program, full of creativity, creations and creators.
Coolwool: Creative Weekend at Covilhã, is organized by the New Hand Lab and the Wool Museum of the University of Beira Interior and is part of the network Creatour – Turismo Criativo Portugal.

sábado [saturday] New Hand Lab

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